Pozostałe środki

In addition to chemical cleaning agents, Alfa Laval also has a range of other chemicals to enhance separator efficiency and chemicals for potable water handling. These are specifically developed for use with our high-speed separators and water desalination plants.

Emulsion breakers

Alfa Laval supplies these emulsion breakers for use in splitting emulsions of oil, water and sludge.

  • Alpacon 009 - An emulsion breaker for water-based degreasing, cleaning and cooling process liquids. 
  • Alpacon 204 - A water-based demulsifier formulation intended to split emulsions into oil, water and sludge. The product produces dry oil and a clean water phase.   
  • Alpacon 207 - A water-based demulsifer formulation to split emulsions into oil, water and sludge, producing dry oil and a clean water phase. 
  • Alpacon 300 - A water-based pre-treatment additive intended to split oil-in-water emulsions in order to achieve clean water with less than 15 ppm mineral oil. Always used in combination with Alpacon 302.
  • Alpacon 302 - A water-based coagulant/flocculent additive intended to split oil-in-water emulsions in order to achieve clean water with less than 15 ppm mineral oil. Always used in combination with Alpacon 300.


  • Alpacon 017 - An efficient flocculent for cleaning water contaminated with particles in recycled car wash water. Designed for optimal performance together with Alpacon 029.
  • Alpacon 029 - A non-corrosive alkaline pH-adjustor for precipitation of heavy metals in re-circulated car wash water. Designed for optimal performance together with Alpacon 017.

Anti-scalants for desalination

Developed for potable water applications

  • Alpacon Altreat 400 - A scale inhibitor for seawater desalination systems that controls inorganic scale formation, such as the formation of calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide. Certified for drinking water by KIWA and NSF.

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Karty bezpieczeństwa produktów - środki chemiczne

Safety data sheetsAlfa Laval oferuje szeroki asortyment środków chemicznych, które są stosowane do poprawy wydajności i sprawności urządzeń. Są to: środki smarujące, środki czyszczące - descalanty, inhibitory korozji, stabilizatory pH, flokulanty do separacji, kleje, środki poprawiające trwałość powierzchni - regeneratory.

Pobierz karty bezpieczeństwa środków chemicznych.

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